• Available only 14 y/o plus

English for Beginners Private Lesson as low as $9.99

English for Beginners Private Lesson as low as $9.99

Regular price $0.00

Course Title: Fun with English for Beginners - Kids Edition

Course Description:
Welcome to the world of Fun with English for Beginners! This engaging and interactive course is designed specifically for young learners between the ages of 3 to 5, 6 to 9, 10 to 13, and 14 to 18 years old. Our passionate and experienced teachers will introduce your child to the wonderful world of English through exciting activities, games, and stories tailored to their age group.

Course Highlights:
1. Age-Appropriate Learning: Our curriculum is carefully crafted to cater to the unique needs and learning abilities of each age group. Lessons are age-appropriate and designed to foster language development and confidence.

2. Playful Approach: Learning should be fun and enjoyable! We utilize a playful approach to teaching, where kids will engage in games, songs, and creative exercises to build vocabulary, pronunciation, and listening skills.

3. Storytime Adventures: For the younger age groups (3 to 5 and 6 to 9 years old), we embark on captivating storytime adventures to immerse children in English in a natural and enjoyable way. Stories will be accompanied by interactive activities and discussions to enhance comprehension.

4. Interactive Conversations: As the age groups progress, we focus on developing conversational skills, encouraging students to express themselves and engage in dialogues with their peers and teachers.

5. Language Games and Challenges: Children between 6 to 9 years old will participate in language games and challenges, encouraging healthy competition while learning new vocabulary and grammar concepts.

6. Creative Writing: For ages 10 to 13 and 14 to 18, we introduce creative writing exercises, empowering students to express their ideas and emotions effectively in written form.

7. Cultural Immersion: Through cultural activities and discussions, we provide insights into English-speaking cultures, fostering appreciation and understanding of diversity.

8. Interactive Technology: Our courses leverage age-appropriate educational technology to keep students engaged and motivated while developing their digital literacy skills.

9. Supportive Environment: Our teachers create a warm and supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable to explore the English language and take risks in their learning journey.

10. Progress Assessment: Regular assessments and progress reports will keep parents informed about their child's development, ensuring a transparent learning process.

By the end of this course, young learners will have gained the foundation to communicate effectively in English, setting them on a path of continuous language growth and cultural awareness. Join us and watch your child's English skills bloom in this exciting and enriching learning adventure!