• Available only 14 y/o plus

Effective Communication Skills Private Lesson starting at $9.99

Effective Communication Skills Private Lesson starting at $9.99

Regular price $9.99
Course Title: Effective Communication Skills for Teens

**Course Overview:**
This course is designed to help teenagers develop strong communication skills that will benefit them in various aspects of their lives, including relationships, school, and future careers. Through interactive activities, discussions, and practical exercises, participants will learn how to express themselves clearly, listen actively, and navigate communication challenges.

**Course Duration:**
8 weeks (1-hour sessions, once a week)

**Week 1: Introduction to Communication Skills**
- Importance of effective communication
- Verbal vs. nonverbal communication
- Icebreaker activities to encourage participation

**Week 2: Active Listening Skills**
- Understanding the components of active listening
- Practicing active listening through partner exercises
- Empathy and validation in conversations

**Week 3: Clear and Assertive Expression**
- Articulating thoughts and ideas confidently
- Using "I" statements for assertive communication
- Role-playing scenarios for practicing assertiveness

**Week 4: Nonverbal Communication and Body Language**
- Reading body language cues
- Projecting confidence through posture and gestures
- Video analysis of nonverbal communication in different situations

**Week 5: Conflict Resolution**
- Identifying different types of conflicts
- Strategies for resolving conflicts peacefully
- Group discussions and role-playing conflict scenarios

**Week 6: Effective Written Communication**
- Email etiquette and formal writing skills
- Crafting persuasive messages
- Collaborative writing activity (e.g., writing a group story)

**Week 7: Communication in Social Settings**
- Making conversation and breaking the ice
- Small talk and finding common ground
- Group activity: "speed friending" with guided conversation topics

**Week 8: Presenting and Public Speaking**
- Overcoming nervousness when speaking in public
- Structuring a short presentation
- Final presentations by each participant with constructive feedback

**Course Wrap-Up:**
- Reflecting on personal growth in communication skills
- Creating a communication action plan for the future
- Sharing success stories and takeaways

**Additional Resources:**
- Handouts with communication tips and techniques
- Role-playing scenarios for practice
- Recommended readings and videos on effective communication

Remember, this is just an example course outline. You can adjust the topics, activities, and duration to suit the specific needs and preferences of the teenagers you are working with. The goal is to provide them with practical skills and confidence to communicate effectively in various situations.